Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Development (3)

(LEFT PICTURE) At first, we use the little circle button (in the 2 guys picture) to give signal to readers where they are now in the magazine
(RIGHT PICTURE) But, we changed the circle idea into the rectangle idea
And for the page separator we use that lines

In this part of article we got no information about what is that art and who made that. So, we just put only pictures.

In this article, we figured out a fun layout. So, basically we made the layout continue from one page to another page. There is continuity (lines).

In the picture, you see the 2 arrows above. Actually, the idea was swiping
the images and behind the image there is the article title. But the lecturer said that a title is a must see things when you read an article. So, we might not hide the title. Then we decided to changed the title hidden with "South India" where Kerala is located and put the title bigger above the picture.

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