Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Development (1)

When we made the very first sketch (sketch for printed magazine version) of our first article, which is My Big Safari Surprise, we are given ideas of the iPad version by our lecturer. From that point, we knew what we are going to do with the magazine. For example, in the picture above, for one article we swipe up and down, but if we want to go to next article, we swipe right and left. Also, we need to design the front cover, table of contents, contributors as well.

From out first digital sketch, we still need to add the page trigger, which give a clue that there is still another page below.

In here, we need to put a signal/symbol where the readers are at, so they are not confused where they are now in the magazine. For example, that little circle button. The grey one is location where the readers at. And the total of the button is the numbers of page the article has.

We also made dummy or prototype for iPad. We printed the articles in paper with actual size of the iPad (768 x 1024 px) in portrait version. So de can know is it good enough or not.

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