Sunday, February 9, 2014


Website Screenshot

Mock up of the app

Parallax Website

For the companion website, I am using Adobe Muse to create that. Adobe Muse is the best way to create website without any coding. At first, I was really confused and got no idea with Muse. But I tried to learn from online tutorials, so that I can accomplish the website. The concept for website is the same with the mobile app. I used parallax effects to the web, because I think that it is a cool effects.
The mobile app consists of introduction section (What is hipster, what is the characteristics, what is their hobby?), Places section (hipster places), Design section (hipster fonts, hipster logo and mix match where you can design your own hipster logo), and lastly hipster meter where you can take photo and see how hipster you are and you can edit you pic also with hipster graphics provided and share through social media.

Here is screenshots of the design